Community Highlight: Peg Schroeder


Part of me thinks that Peg Schroeder, and her friend Dot Griffith, are why our little studio is in existence. Maybe not fully, but they, along with the rest of the community, pushed me into thinking it could work. They set up an appointment for me to look at the old schoolroom that needed a great deal of renovation, but touted some gorgeous windows. I met her at the school to take a look at the old space, with my three rowdy children in tow. I walked into the BE Artist Gallery for the first time, met the folks at CML magazine, reminisced in the Book Exchange, poked my head into the theater, and left with a sense of the possibilities of a community studio in a community building. As we walked out, Peg said, “this light and this building, Jenna, are perfect for yoga." I trusted her, and I'm so glad I did.  

For those of you who already know this artist, women's advocate, and community member already know her infectious laugh, big personality, and the encouragement in her nature. She and her husband, David, were long time visitors of the High Country until making it their home in 2012. Peg began weaving soon after, and found the combination of symmetry and creativity inspiring and satisfying. She studied in Crossnore with renowned Penland weaver Edwina Bringle and through the Master Weaving Program from Olds College of Alberta, Canada.

Creating wearables, household items such as table runners, towels, and rugs, and wall art, she is often inspired by nature, incorporating objects found on hikes as well as up-cycled building materials, beads, and bells into her weaving. Her fiber choices are varied, including cotton, bamboo, wool, alpaca, silk, and others. She especially enjoys working with fibers hand-spun and dyed by women in fair-trade cooperatives around the world. She feels a community with these women as she weaves their yarns. Her art is featured at the BE Artist Gallery at the Historic Banner Elk School.

Peg and David attend weekly classes at Avery Community Yoga. They often join in on Sunday mediations. Peg now hosts the third Sunday meditation focusing on the Noble Eightfold Path. She creates a down-to-earth environment and is enthusiastic about bringing in the community. It's inspiring to see women like her pursue art, yoga, and community. I hope to be a role model to young women like she has been to me, guiding them into a place of business and community.

The light in the yoga studio shines bright like the light Peg shares when she attends classes and community events, and hosts meditations. She represents why this studio is a community studio.  

By Jenna Thompson, Founder of Avery Community Yoga
Photos by Michelle Lyerly Photography